This Smokey Blue & Navy Magnetic Feather Trim with matching lapel is a beautiful & versatile set which allows for effortless and personalised style, perfect for the individual looking to add a little spark of sophistication to their ensemble. Centrepieces are interchangeable. Start your collection now!
Available here as a Complete Magnetic Feather Trim which includes feather component, magnetic centerpiece pin and magnetic hat trim base. If you only require the feather component because you already have base & centerpiece pin in your collection, OR if you would like a different centerpiece, please message me and I will arrange.
These trims are made in house so if it's not available or you can't see what you are looking for, please contact me to discuss your wishes
Don't know how these hat trims work?! go to this link and have a quick squiz!
WARNING: Magnets may cause interferance with some internal medical devices including pacemakers and may pose potential hazards to patients.
NB: Hat sold separately